Driving Test Waiting Time Estimator

Driving test waiting time estimator​

When will I be invited to book my driving test?​​

This online tool offers an estimated date for when you’ll be invited to book your car test.

Your estimated date is calculated based on the current demand at your chosen test centre, that demand can increase or decrease depending on a number of factors such as driver tester availability, severe weather etc. Therefore, you may be invited earlier or later than the estimated date given.

Important! It will not show a date for:

  • Re-test applications – you will get another booking invitation 10-12 weeks after your previous test. (Please note, there are some centres where this time may be longer.)
  • Non-car categories (e.g., bike, bus, truck) – you can expect a booking invitation within 8 to 10 weeks of applying. (Please note, there are some centres where this time may be longer.)
  • Recent training – all sessions must be uploaded to your MyEDT account at least two weeks ago.
  • New applications – the system won’t capture applications made less than two weeks ago.